The Sidera Saxophone Quartet was founded in 2020 by four musicians active in the Italian contemporary scene with the aim of enriching and disseminating the contemporary and experimental repertoire for this ensemble, spanning from historical modernity to the most recent works, also with electronics.
Although recently formed, the Sidera Saxophone Quartet has performed in important festivals and associations such as Orizzonti Festival, Amici della Musica di Perugia, Amici della Musica di Modena, Area Sismica and Festival Musicale Piceno.
They have already collaborated with different composers among which Salvatore Sciarrino - who wrote Quadrangoli d'autunno, a new saxophone quartet written and dedicated to the SSQ thanks to the support of the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation and premiered at Amici della Musica di Modena in December 2021 - and Carmine Emanuele Cella, who is writing a new work for saxophone and augmented percussion that will be premiered in July.
In 2022 the Sidera Saxophone Quartet will also record two different works. One dedicated to Italian contemporary music will include the first ever recording of music by F. Antonioni, S. Bussotti, L. Ceccarelli, R. Doati, S. Scodanibbio and A. Solbiati. The other will be a Salvatore Sciarrino monograph (whose 75th birthday is going to be celebrated in 2022) including the new work written for the Sidera Saxophone Quartet and other compositions/transcriptions for solo saxophone and for quartet by the same composer.